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Running Through History: The Inaugural Rough Rider Cross Country Meet


Cross country at the NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) level requires endurance, strategy, and team cohesion. Unlike track, cross-country races are run over natural terrain. Uneven surfaces and inclement weather make each race unique. However, the Dickinson State University (DSU) Inaugural Rough Rider Run held on September 21 broke the mold, offering a course featuring buttes, canyons, and ravines carved over millions of years and contrasted against a wide-open sky.

Head Coach Shayne Wittkopp '08, DSU Heritage Foundation Development Officer Kyle Smith '13, and ranch owner Wally Owen '73 had a vision to develop the historic race. Wittkopp and Owen spent many weekends designing and taming a course – taking down fences, mowing, and putting up markers to prepare for the meet.

As a former Sports Information Director and DSU alumnus, Owen has always had a dream of making a positive impact on the next generation of young athletes. Wittkopp said, “I am so grateful for what Wally did for our team. In addition, the Medora Foundation provided affordable hotel accommodations and meals. The whole experience was like a field of dreams. It exceeded my expectations. We look forward to making the Rough Rider Run even better in the coming years.”

More than 200 people came to watch the meet. Adding athletes and coaches to that number, Wittkopp estimates around 350 people were in attendance. “There were seven full buses and even more cars that traveled out to the site,” said Wittkopp. “The six teams that attended, as well as our own athletes, were thrilled to run in one of nature’s finest masterpieces. It could not have been a more perfect day for athletes, coaches, and spectators alike. Thanks to Wally, this meet was an experience that will stay with them for a lifetime.”

Cross-country athletes run distances ranging from 5 to 8 kilometers. Year-round training, careful pacing, and mental endurance are the marks of champions. There are no fancy pieces of equipment, just a good pair of running shoes and a lot of grit.

The Dickinson State University’s men’s and women’s cross-country teams are predicted to repeat last year’s North Star Athletic Association Conference championship. Next up on the schedule is the University of Jamestown’s Jimmie Invitational on October 4.

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By: Debora Dragseth, Baker Boy Professor of Leadership | School of Business and Entrepreneurship Dickinson State University

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